About Me

I wanted to create a blog and I couldn’t decide what to write about. There is so much content out there that I wanted to write about but I couldn’t find a way to put it all under one umbrella so I just decided to look inwards. I’m 25 years old and I don’t know exactly where I want my life to go yet. I’m old enough to feel like I should have something started by now but still young enough to have hope that there is still some hidden passion out there for me to discover.

After thinking for some time about what I want in life, I’ve decided I kind of just want to retire. That dream technically is still a ways away, but I love to crochet, craft and lay in my recliner. I just want to spend my days petting my dog, taking a bubble bath, and maybe playing a game of solitaire if I’m feeling wild. I want to be in bed by 9 and new blankets are my form of self indulgence. I’m a self proclaimed candle connoisseur, fuzzy sock collector and I’d much rather sit by the fireplace with a cup of decaf than go out.

If this also sounds like you, then check out some of my posts. I think we would get along well.